The Frictionless Sales Engagement Platform for Revenue Teams

The world's first all-in-one sales engagement platform that allows your sales team to engage more prospects and close more deals without software exhaustion.

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Reach the people who matter the most

Finding the right people, on the right channel, at the right time is key component to your sales flow. Buzz combines data sourcing, automation, and lead management that allows you to directly engage, manage, and close your ideal clients.

LinkedIn Automation

Manage, send, and automate your LinkedIn activities without leaving Buzz. Buzz makes it 72% easier to get in front of your ideal clients and helps you get 3X more responses.

Email Outreach

Integrate your existing email provider to automate, manage, and A/B test your strategy in Buzz. Run sycronized multi-channel campaigns to engage prospects on both channels.

Real-Time Data Enrichment

Get the accurate lead data that you need to get deals closed! Our huge database and market-leading automation make multi-channel outreach simple and effective.

Pipeline Management

Use Buzz's internal, fully customizable Pipeline or natively connect your CRM to manage you prospects with direct two-way sync. Buzz helps manage hot leads from cold to closed.

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How it works

Simple, yet powerful features

Buzz features a seamless interface designed for easy use and client success


What our great customers are saying

An average Buzz Pro client experiences growth of $100k+ in annual revenue while saving 42 hours per month.

*based on clients who complete a 12-month subscription with Buzz Pro.

"In 6 months I've added +$15M in Annual Contract Value, and recruited 3 senior executives to my remote team using"

Nathan Smith
VP Logistics, Canada
Logistics & Transportation

“I have closed +$75k in new business using - it has changed the way I book meetings and engage prospects!"

Carl P.
Carl P., Canada
Financial Services

“I spend +$125K on Buzz every year... the ROI makes it the easiest decision I've ever made for my business."

John Carter
Head of Marketing, USA

Are you ready to make your team more effective?

With Buzz, you get predictable, data-driven sales engagement and a detailed outreach strategy with industry-leading automation.
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Integrated with the tools
you know and love

Buzz leverages several layers of prospect data from across the internet. With seamless integrations to ZoomInfo, and Crunchbase, you will have access to personal, financial, and strategic data from your new prospects. With Buzz’s advanced data points, you will be able to tailor custom messages and close deals sooner.

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The importance of Sales Engagement in a
remote world

Reaching the right people at the right time is the key to building a successful network. Our market-leading email sourcing and sequencing help you connect with the people that matter the most. 

Verified Lead Information

A seamless and personalized sales engagement strategy is more critical than ever. As the business world shifts to working with remote teams, an automated outreach strategy will ensure that you stay at the top of your game.

To be successful with remote networking, you need to: 
- Give your prospect more than you take
- Network vertically and horizontally
- Use your existing connections
- Foster online communication
- Implement a bulletproof outreach strategy

Buzz will set you up for success in the remote business world.

With Buzz, you get a constant flow of new prospects at your fingertips. Our technology allows you to achieve a perfect automation strategy so team members can start closing deals anywhere, anytime.

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Not convinced? 12 Minutes is plenty of time to see if Buzz is a fit for your team.

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